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学生の皆さんへ, To all students:

In our laboratory, we analyze the molecular and functional evolution of steroid hormone receptors. By isolating receptor genes from various organisms and analyzing their functions, we are investigating how the precise endocrine system found in higher vertebrates was established during the evolutionary process. Interested students and graduate students are welcome to join us in our research and make interesting discoveries.

Currently, we have five graduate students and a fourth-year student in our lab. Our goal is to conduct world-class research that will be published in textbooks. We also welcome students from other universities to enter the graduate school. We hope to do great research with you!


Our laboratory is pursuing "molecular evolution and functional analysis of steroid hormone receptors". Steroid hormones play an important role in gonad development and differentiation as well as in the maintenance of the endocrine environment through their receptors. In order to investigate the molecular evolution of the mechanisms by which steroid hormones maintain the endocrine environment, we are analyzing the steroid hormone receptors in cartilaginous fishes, ancient fishes, lamprey, amphioxus, and invertebrates, which are important in animal evolution. So far, we have found that the female hormone receptor (estrogen receptor) in higher vertebrates is a gene that appeared in the cephalochordate amphioxus. However, it is now known that the property of binding to estrogen appeared with the subsequent evolution of the organism. We are now analyzing further molecular and functional evolution and steroid hormone receptors other than estrogen receptors. Computer simulations are also being used to elucidate the three-dimensional structure of the receptor proteins and to analyze their binding to hormones in detail.